
有资格获得联邦和州的财政援助, 你必须保持对特定学位或证书的进步. 保持加州州立大学的学业进步, Fullerton (CSUF) means you must: 1) meet the minimum cumulative grade point average standard, 2)完成至少66门课程,达到“进度”要求.67%的累计单位尝试过, 3)在最短的时间内完成你的学习计划. 你的SAP将在每年春季学期结束时进行评估. 如果您没有与SAP会面,您将在6月份收到电子邮件通知. If you are meeting SAP, you are eligible for financial aid for the following academic year. 如果你不会见SAP, you are ineligible for financial aid for the next term and subsequent terms, 直到您符合SAP标准并重新获得资格. 


我必须注册多少个单元 & 完成以保持获得援助的资格?

The 财政援助办公室 does not impose a minimum number of units each semester, although most financial aid programs require at least 6 units per semester (half-time status) to receive funds. 因此,你可以决定每学期尝试多少单元. 在决定, 考虑就业等因素, 课程的难度, 家庭责任, 留校察看, 等.


当你通过考试获得学分时,你就完成了一门课程. 以下成绩不计入你已完成的单元, 它们会被计算在尝试的单位中), NC, W, WU, AU, I, IC, U, WF, SP, RD, RP.

做补救 & 重复课程可以算作经济资助?

Up to 30 units of remedial coursework are allowed under financial aid regulations as long as you earn a grade of "CR" for the course. “SP”或“NC”等级不计入已获得的学分. 如果你重修一门你以前获得单位学分的课程(e.g., a grade of D or higher), you may receive financial aid for one retake of the course. Note that this financial aid policy differs from the academic policy governing repeated courses.


条款 累积GPA要求
在第二项的末尾 1.5
在第三项的末尾 1.7
At the end, of the 4th term, Juniors, Seniors and all other undergraduates beyond the 5th term 2.0
2日英航 2.0
凭证 2.5
研究生 3.0

A student enrolled in an educational program of more than two academic years, at the end of the second academic year the student must have a GPA of at least a "C"; which is equivalent to a 2.0.


在春季学期结束时, we total your cumulative completed units and divide that by the cumulative attempted units(all units on transcript, 包括转移单位). 你必须至少挣66.6.你的累计尝试单位的7%,以满足步伐要求.


如果你的收入低于66.67% of your cumulative attempted units and/ or do not meet the minimum GPA, 在您达到SAP标准之前,您的资格将被终止.


你必须至少挣66.67% of your cumulative attempted units and meet the minimum GPA requirements, 为了有资格获得经济援助.


在每学期结束的时候, check your cumulative GPA and cumulative completed versus cumulative attempted units on your transcripts. 例如, 计算你的步伐, 如果你尝试了45个单位并获得了其中的40个单位, 你的完成率是40/45 = 88.8%


Federal regulations require that you complete your academic programs within 150% of the standard time frame for your program. 在CSUF, 我们使用120个单元作为标准的本科课程, with 180 attempted units* as the maximum time frame or"unit cap" for undergraduate students and 30 attempted units as the unit cap for graduate students. Unit cap totals for programs requiring more than the standard number of units are listed 在这里在新窗口中打开 . The standard unit cap for graduates and post-baccalaureate students is based on the number of units required for your academic program. Courses numbered 500 or higher are considered "graduate courses" and are weighted at 1.5乘以单位价值. The unit cap is 150% of the minimum required units after weighting of required graduate units in the program. All units are counted even if you did not receive financial aid and even if the units do not count for unit credit toward graduation. Once you reach the unit cap for your program, you are ineligible to receive financial aid.


如果你增加一个专业或改变专业,你的单位上限将不会调整. You will still need to complete your program within 150% of the minimum required to complete the degree. 如果你完成了你的课程,并在另一个更高的级别注册(i.e., complete bachelor’s degree and enroll in a graduate or credential program) your unit cap will automatically be reset to the new program. If you are enrolling in a second graduate program, you will need to submit an appeal.


*The calculation of attempted units includes all coursework completed at CSUF as well as all other transferable course-work completed at other institutions.


You have the right to appeal a financial aid SAP or unit cap termination by presenting a written appeal with a personal statement and documentation of mitigating circumstances. 减轻情节的例子包括疾病, 住院治疗, 家庭中的死亡, 或者其他你无法控制的情况. Appeal forms are available for download in the "形式 Bank" on the Financial Aid homepage or may be obtained in person from the 财政援助办公室. Follow the instructions on the appeal form to document your special circumstances. The SAP 上诉 Committee evaluates all SAP appeals considering such factors as your personal statement, 你的学历, your documented extenuating circumstances and your ability to achieve academic progress in the future. 给委员会4-6周的时间来评估和回应你的申诉.

  • 如果你提出上诉并在秋季学期结束前获得批准, 你将有资格获得秋季学期的资助. We will review your grades at the end of fall to determine whether you meet the minimum GPA and pace (completing a minimum of 66.67%的累计尝试单元)需求. 您的春季付款将保留到审查完成.
  • 如果你提出上诉并且在春季学期结束前获得批准, 你将有资格获得春季学期的资助. We will evaluate you at the end of spring to determine whether you meet the minimum GPA and pace (completing a minimum of 66.67%的累计尝试单元)需求.

如果我在试用期 & 未能与SAP会面,我可以再次上诉吗?

You were placed on probation because you had an appeal approved which enabled you to receive financial aid while you implemented the changes necessary for you to meet the SAP standards. 作为财政援助接受者, you are required to make satisfactory academic progress toward your degree attainment. Second appeals within the same academic year are generally not accepted if you fail to make progress, unless you have serious documented extenuating circumstances such as a death in the immediate family.